Privacystatement/GDPR is owner of this website and is responsible for processing personal data as is explained in this privacystatement.


Personal data that we process
We process your personal data because you use our services and/or because you provide these data in forms on this website.

Below you find a listing of personal data we process when you fill out and send contact- or orderforms on this website:
- First and Last Name
- Telephonenumber
- E-mailaddress
For orders of products we process also your address-data,

Special and/or sensitive personal data that we process
Our website and/or service does not intent to collect data about website-visitors that are younger than 16 years. Unless they got permission from parents or guardians. We cannot however determine whether a visitor is older than 16 years. We strongly recommend parents to be involved in their children's activities on the internet, so to prevent that data about their children are collected without parent's consent. If you are convinced that we collected these personal data without permission about a minor, please contact us via , so we will remove these data.

For which purpose and on what basis we process personal data
We process your personal data for the following purposes:
- To be able to call you or send E-mail if this is required to be able to provide our services
- To be able to deliver goods or services at your address
We will save you personaldata no longer than strictly necessary to establish the purpose for which we collected your personal data.

Automated decisionmaking
We do not make decisions on the basis of automated processing that can have (considerable) consequences for persons. This concerns decisionmaking by computersoftware or -systems, withour human intervention (as eg by a staff-member of our company).

Period for which we retain personal data
Data that are filled out in forms on this website will we be retained for a period for reference and administrative purposes, but no longer than strictly necessary for administrative and legal reasons.

Sharing personal data with third parties
We only provide data to third parties if this is required for fullfilling our agreements with you or to comply with legal obligations.

Cookies, of similar techniques, that we use
We only use technical and functional cookies. And analytic cookies that do not infringe your privacy. A cookie is a small textfile that is stored in your browser at the first visit to a website. The cookies we use are necessary for a proper operation of this website and your user-experience. They take care the website works well and remember for example your preferences. You can refuse cookies in your internetbrowser-settings. You can remove all cookies with your browser-settings.

Consult, modify or remove your Personal Data
Your have the right to consult your personal data, to modify them or to remove them. You have the right to revoke your permission for the data-processing via this site or to object the processing of your personal data, also you have the right for data-transferability. That means you can sent a request to receive the personal data we keep.

You can submit a request for insight, correction, removal or datatransmission of your personal data or request for revoking your permission or objectionon the processing of your personal data by E-mail: .

To be sure you are autorised to perform such a request, please send a copy of your ID. Black out your photo, MRZ (machine readable zone, the area with all the numbers at the bottom), passport-number en Social Service number or BSN (BSN). DO so to protect your privacy. We will respond to your request asap, but within 4 weeks.

We like to point out you have the option to send a formal complaint to the national authority for GDPR in the Netherlands. Go to:

How we protect our data
We take the protection of all our data serious and take adequate precautions to prevent abuse, loss, unautorised access, unautorised publication and unautorised modifications.
If you have the impression your data are not protected well or if you observe any signs of abuse, please contact us via E-mail